COVID-19 Vaccine Info - Update

Updates are current as of 2/1/21. For the most up-to-date information, view our COVID-19 landing page.

As patients approach the conclusion of the recommended interval between the COVID-19 first and second vaccinations, it is important to know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says you should not get the second dose earlier than the recommended interval. The recommended time interval is 28 days for Moderna and 21 days for Pfizer. Additionally, there is no maximum time between when you get the first and second doses for either vaccine. Do not be alarmed if your second dose is scheduled for 30, 40, or 50 days after your first dose.

The second dose remains as effective even if your interval is longer than recommended. You should receive communication from the organization that administered your first dose (i.e. the Department of Health, your PCP, the Physician Group of Capital Health Plan, a Pharmacy, etc.) about scheduling your second dose as vaccines become available. Priorities for vaccination have not changed in the State of Florida (those 65 years old and older and health care workers). 

We encourage you to continue checking our website for the most up-to-date announcements regarding COVID-19 coverage and recommendations.