Clinical Criteria

A medical guideline, also called clinical criteria, is a document with the aim of guiding medical decisions regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment in specific areas of health care. Below you will find information about Capital Health Plan's clinical criteria for our Commercial and Medicare plans. 

Commercial Criteria

All non-Medicare plans, also known as Commercial plans, require that you follow certain developed criteria that require prior authorization. You can access and read about the latest updates regarding Florida Blue coverage guidelines at any time.

Additionally, Capital Health Plan has a partnership with AIM Specialty Health (AIM) to provide utilization management for our Radiation Oncology Program.

Medicare Criteria

All Medicare plans require that you follow certain developed criteria that require prior authorization. You can access and read "What's New" regarding the latest updates for Original Medicare coverage guidelines for National Coverage Decisions (NCD) and Local Coverage Decisions (LCD) at any time.

Additionally, Capital Health Plan has a partnership with AIM Specialty Health (AIM) to provide utilization management for our Radiation Oncology Program.

Radiation Oncology Program

Capital Health Plan has a partnership with AIM Specialty Health (AIM) to provide utilization management for our Radiation Oncology Program. You can view more information about our Radiation Oncology Program at any time.